First, thank you for looking all so bright and Christmassy😄 One of our family traditions was to dress in the colours you are wearing over Christmas. How fortuitous to come here in tears and find you in said colours. It's year 3 since the loss yet I'm still finding it difficult. Mourning the loss of my mommy & also the loss of siblings who now don't want to celebrate Christmas together like we used to as they are far away and no longer see a reason to travel back. The last R is what I will carry into my next Christmas. Thank you for this. It has helped
First, thank you for looking all so bright and Christmassy😄 One of our family traditions was to dress in the colours you are wearing over Christmas. How fortuitous to come here in tears and find you in said colours. It's year 3 since the loss yet I'm still finding it difficult. Mourning the loss of my mommy & also the loss of siblings who now don't want to celebrate Christmas together like we used to as they are far away and no longer see a reason to travel back. The last R is what I will carry into my next Christmas. Thank you for this. It has helped